In The Community
Vogel LLP is proud to be a part of the Calgary community and believes in contributing to and volunteering with various charitable organizations as a way to give back.
Community Involvement
Proud to be a part of our community
Vogel LLP takes pride in supporting and participating in various charities and community events in and around the City of Calgary and we encourage our lawyers and staff to volunteer and participate in fundraising efforts whenever possible.
Most recently our firm has chosen to support Adopt-A-Family, Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre (AARC), Alberta Cancer Foundation, Association for the Rehabilitation for the Brain Injured(ARBI), Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse, Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre, Calgary Health Trust, Calgary Opera, Canadian Cancer Society, Canadian Diabetes Association, Heart and Stroke Foundation, The Mustard Seed, Punjabi Community Health Services, SEVA, Soup Sisters/Broth Brothers, and YWCA Calgary.
In addition to regular cash donations, Vogel LLP also accepts charitable donations in lieu of charging fees for notarizing and commissioning documents, whereby clients are provided with a tax receipt.
Many of our lawyers and staff give the gift of their time by volunteering with various organizations and charities such as Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society (AARCS), ASSIST, Children’s Legal & Educational Resource Centre (CLERC), Closer to Home Community Resource Centre, Girl Guides of Canada, Leave a Legacy, The Legal Education Society of Alberta, The Mustard Seed, Pro Bono Law Alberta, Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada and Student Legal Assistance.